TSN #9 - Five Job Titles To Look For If You Want To Try "Intrapreneurship"

If you don't like risk & want to learn something about launching and scaling things, intrapreneurship might be for you.

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Hey! Another summer Sunday is here 👋

Some people I talk to like the idea of being an "intrapreneur," someone who is an internal entrepreneur within a firm.

Sure, it’s not full-on entrepreneurship, but it's a good way to test yourself.

I had three experiences of being an intrapreneur. Today, I will share five job titles to look for if you want to give it a try. Read on! ☀️

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5 job titles pointing to an “Intrapreneurial” role

1. Digital Transformation Lead/Head/Manager

What it means: You're a person coming from outside of the hiring organization to bring new skills and help them change. Could be related to AI implementation.

Companies that hire: Large, established corporations in traditional industries (think banking, manufacturing, or retail) looking to modernize. Probably building a unit that would digitize their operations.

Entrepreneurial skills you'll learn:

  • Identifying inefficiencies and opportunities for innovation inside the comapny

  • Managing change and overcoming resistance of an established entity

  • Implementing new technologies at scale

  • Vendor selection and project management

2. Venture Builder

What it means: You're running a mini startup incubator inside a big company, launching new products or services.

Companies that hire: Forward-thinking corporations, often in tech or consumer goods, looking to diversify or enter new markets. The wave of launching innovation initiatives is here since about 10 years ago, but some companies haven’t started yet.

Entrepreneurial skills you'll learn:

  • Idea validation and rapid prototyping

  • Building and leading cross-functional teams

  • Securing internal funding and resources

  • Managing suppliers

3. Growth Hacker

What it means: You're the wizard turning users into revenue through creative, data-driven strategies. Probably at a new company or with a product that a larger company recently started and needs to help with growth. Something you will definitely need for you venture later on.

Companies that hire: Fast-growing startups, tech companies, and digital-first businesses looking to scale rapidly. Legacy companies struggling to grow something new.

Entrepreneurial skills you'll learn:

  • Data-driven decision making

  • Rapid experimentation and iteration

  • Creative, low-cost marketing strategies

  • The hustle of growth

4. Product Innovation Manager

What it means: You're the idea factory, dreaming up and developing new products or features, most of the time for an existing customer base.

Companies that hire: Consumer goods companies, energy companies, tech firms, and any business looking to stay ahead of market trends. Usually the ones having a B2C customer base.

Entrepreneurial skills you'll learn:

  • Market research and trend analysis

  • User-centered design thinking

  • Taking products from concept to launch

  • Identifying opportunities on an existing customer base

5. Chief of Staff

What it means: You're the right-hand person to a top exec, involved in strategic decisions across the company. You get to see how the CEO/owner thinks about business.

Companies that hire: Any large corporation or fast-growing company with a complex organizational structure. Could be startups too, but focus on the ones, which raised at least seed or series A.

Entrepreneurial skills you'll learn:

  • High-level strategic thinking

  • Team scaling and process creation

  • Putting out fires daily

  • Stakeholder management and networking

  • Operational efficiency and problem-solving at scale

The Intrapreneurial Cheat Code:

Here's the secret sauce – these roles are your entrepreneurship simulators with training wheels. You get to flex those entrepreneurial muscles without the 3 AM panic attacks about making payroll. It's like playing Entrepreneur Tycoon on "easy mode" before tackling the real thing.

Remember, intrapreneurship is all about bringing that scrappy startup energy to your cushy corporate gig. Who knows? You might just end up launching the next big thing – and your boss will be begging you to let them invest.

So, whether you're itching to disrupt from within or just want to test the entrepreneurial waters without drowning, these roles are your golden ticket. Go forth and give it a try! You can always quit if you don’t like it ;)

Good luck job hunting!

- Slavo

P.S.: If you’re looking for some more inspiration, click the link below: